
UPDATE on Mia Rusthen’s condition: rider’s condition remains stable, has been transferred to hospital in Norway

Tuesday, 25 June 2024 08:19 GMT

The Norwegian rider crashed at the final corner in the first start for Race 1 at Misano

Medical updates have been provided on Mia Rusthen (Rusthen Racing) following her crash in Race 1 of the FIM Women’s Circuit Racing World Championship. Rusthen crashed at the final corner at the end of Lap 5 and was transported to hospital. She suffered a head injury with concussion and is currently receiving treatment at the Bufalini Trauma Centre in Cesena; her condition is currently stable.

UPDATE (18/06/2024): Mia Rusthen's condition continues to be stable. Pending approval from medical staff, she might be transferred from Italy to a hospital in her native Norway in the coming days to continue her recovery.

UPDATE (18/06/2024): On Tuesday, June 18th, the Rusthen family shared an update on Mia’s condition via Mia Rusthen’s official Instagram account: (@miarusthen on Instagram):

Dear everyone. Here is an update from Mia’s family. We are overwhelmed by the amount of love and support that people all around the world are showing Mia after her accident at @worldwcr.She is currently still in a coma, but her vitals are stable and good. The trauma team at Bufalini Hospital is taking good care of her. We are looking at the possibility to transport her home to Norway when she is stable enough to be flown there. She is by far the toughest woman we know, and we hope her stubbornness and strength will pull her through this too. Love, Mia’s mom and dad, big sister and boyfriend.

UPDATE (20/06/2024): Mia Rusthen’s condition remains stable and she will be transferred back on Saturday to a hospital in Norway where she will continue to be monitored and treated.

UPDATE (24/06/20249: In a statement on Instagram, the family said: “Hello everyone. Here is a short update on Mia: Mia has now been safely transported to Norway. Mia receives the best and most competent care at Neurointensive Ullevål, a surgical intensive care unit which is affiliated with the country’s largest trauma centre. Mia is still in a coma, but she has stable and good vitals and is showing more and more signs that she is fighting and that she is so strong. Thank you so much for all the love and warm wishes to Mia. Love, Mia’s family.”